I Can Do Hard Things…

There is a task I’ve been putting off for a while called…”Learning How to Drive Austin’s Stick Shift Car.” I’m not the most patient person when it comes to learning new things so I was really putting it off. However, I really needed to be mobile and work and such so it just had to happen.

We started practicing in Saint George. All was going well until Austin took me to this rocky steep hill and tried to teach me how to start moving when I was stopped on a hill. I kind of lost my cookies. There were tears, some sass, and eventually some apologies. On Monday it was time to drive home, and I had to go to work on Tuesday. I told Austin I had to drive home if I was going to be able to get the practice in before working the next day. We left Saint George at about 8:30 Monday night and I was determined as ever to drive the whole way. All throughout the day I kind of starting feeling nervous and I would just tell myself “I can do hard things.” It sounds so cheesy but it reminded me of Disneyland this past summer. My little cousin Charly was terrified of the ride Tower of Terror. She wanted to ride though and began crying in line. Her mom made her repeat “I can do this.” She was crying but said it so strongly. That’s exactly how I felt, crying and scared and convinced I was going to do it!

Haha, I’m proud to say I drove all 4 hours home from Saint George! These are my victory pictures: a total scrub and it was like 12:30 at night, but happy as all get out. IMG_2677IMG_2676

Tuesday morning I woke up at about 6:30 for work, and felt the nerves sink in again, since I would be driving alone this time. I kept repeating in my head “I can do this. I can do hard things.” I was praying all morning and all throughout every time I got in an out of the car that day.

On the way to work, I started to have some difficulties and I was worried about the car. I had also driven the whole way with the parking brake up. I was terrified and called Austin once I made it to work. He told me to test drive it before I got back on the road to come home and make sure everything was working okay. I was kind of shaking I was so nervous. I think he picked up on that and borrowed a friend’s car to come check it out for me. He test drove it and came into my work and told me he loved me and that everything was working fine.

First things first, I am so grateful for a husband who knows how my mind works and how I worry and does everything to keep that to a minimum. It means a lot to me that he would get up early and borrow cars just so that I could relax a little bit. He is so loving!

It gets a little crazier though that the car didn’t make any of the sounds it usually does when the parking brake is up and you’re driving on it. Everything sounded completely normal and nothing was wrong after the fact. I think the Lord was looking out for me. I think I needed to learn “Hey put the parking brake down” haha so he let me notice it on my own, but He watched out for us by not letting it damage the car.

On  Sunday, we went to Young Women’s with Austin’s aunt Megan. The beehives were listening to a lesson on faith. I thought about my own faith and prayers lately. I have been quite the worrier and doubter. I haven’t been that great about trusting the Lord and trusting him to help everything work out well. I prayed all day yesterday…asking for help driving, for safety, expressing gratitude every time a light turned green early or Austin came to see me. I felt the Lord’s presence more strongly than I have for a long time. I felt my trust in him growing and I felt myself begin to trust him more.

I know that He loves us. I know that even something as silly as driving a car is important to Him. He is in every little detail of our lives. I know that it’ll all work out. I feel myself relaxing more as Austin and I work on a budget, as I look for a job that’s full time, as I encounter hard things! I know that the Lord will enable me and empower us to be able to overcome challenges.

Desert, Sun, and Family

Friday afternoon Austin and I decided on a whim to go to Saint George. His mom and sister were there and decided to get out for a few days and go visit family! We drove down pretty late once he was off work and got in at about midnight.

Soooo…I’m not much of an outdoorsy person, but we went hiking twice and I really enjoyed it! The red rock out in Saint George is beautiful, and the weather was so nice! The kids loved Pioneer Park. There was this one part that was really steep and Austin wanted to try and climb it with me. I was terrified! He helped me up and I honestly almost squealed I was so scared, but I made it. I just kind of thought for a minute about how grateful I am that I have a husband that helps me try new things and pushes me to do things because he believes in me.

After we posted a picture of us at Pioneer Park, I got a text from Aunt Kadee and Uncle Brady. They were in Saint George too! We were surprised and we went and saw Eddie the Eagle with them. I feel super blessed to have amazing family. Brady and KaDee are amazing and we laughed so hard.

We also went hiking up by Snow Canyon as well. We weren’t able to do the hike to a waterfall that we were planning on due to some breeding turtles, haha but we found another hike that was fun too. It felt so good to climb and be out in the sun! Austin and I decided to look up some hikes here in Provo and try and go Saturday mornings. We felt so motivated to be active!

I think the best part of the weekend though was just being with family. Megan and Matt have the cutest kids. There is nothing better than makeovers with some cute little girls! Haha, they made me so beautiful! They also put lipstick on Austin and kissed him while he was asleep. We played outside, swam, hot tubbed, made smores, it was just an amazing weekend with some amazing people!

The Move In

We are finally settled in our new apartment! A little over a week ago we landed in Salt Lake from Ohio at about 11:30 at night. We made a pit stop at Walmart on the way home to buy an air mattress. We arrived at our new apartment at about one in the morning. We blew up our air mattress and slept on the floor of an empty apartment! We were exhausted so we barely noticed…except that we froze all night!


We got up at about 6:30 the next morning to start the moving shenanigans. We rented a UHaul truck and with the help of some amazing friends got everything put into our apartment. Austin had a lot of fun driving the huge truck 😉


We crazy kids also decided to go to Ikea and buy a bed frame and a TV stand. It looked like a nightmare in here for days! There were boxes and tubs everywhere. This is what our place looked like until about Friday and this is us on our first night after moving in! Haha the OCD side of me may or may not have had a few meltdowns throughout the week, but Austin is so amazing at helping me feel better.


After a week of work though, it looks amazing now 🙂 We officially hung the last picture at about eleven o’clock Monday night.

So I’ve never known anything about tools, but now I know what stripping a screw is and how to avoid it, I know how to use a screwdriver, and I feel slightly more capable when it comes to furniture building. There’s nothing better than building a bed frame at about two in the morning with your best friend 🙂 But let’s not kid ourselves, Austin definitely built about everything! We are just in love with our cute little apartment! I even let Austin hang some superhero posters in the bathroom which he’s super excited about!

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Sunday we got to have our first Sunday dinner together. I was so proud of myself!! We had fish, red mashed potatoes, green beans, and strawberry lemonade with real strawberries! I felt like such a little homemaker 🙂 Haha, but really, it’s so fun just being together and having our own little home. I am becoming quite the little clean freak though. I think it’s just coming with having our own place with our own things and almost everything is brand new. I vacuum, sweep, and mop like every other day and I’m constantly wiping things down with clorox wipes and windex…haha yay for a clean home!


We want to thank everyone who helped us build our cute little home. Seriously, everyone was so generous and we were astounded by how much help we had getting starting. We have some truly amazing friends and family. Watch for your thank you postcard in the mail! 🙂



Texas and Ohio Adventures

The party didn’t stop in Cancun! We still had two more open houses to do! We flew from Cancun to Houston and learned that all of the flights to Dallas had been cancelled. We decided to try and rent a car and drive to Trophy Club. It was crazy, but we found a rental car and began our drive to Trophy Club! It actually was going by pretty fast and then we hit some rain and then a nasty accident, and it felt like it took forever! Haha at about 11 p.m. though, we finally made it 🙂

Our open house in Texas was beautiful! It was so fun seeing so many friends and family. Some of the ladies in my parents’ ward did an amazing job with the food and decorations too. It just made the dream continue! Haha, we thank everyone that came to support us and others who sent their love and congratulations through the mail.

It’s just always a blast at the Rawe household! We had so much fun bowling and going to Top Golf. It was so fun just being with the fam for a few days. I adore my family 🙂

We had a lot of fun in Ohio too 🙂 It was fun getting to know Austin’s family a little better. We got to make the floral arrangements for the open house thanks to a sister in the ward who taught us how (and supervised our creations) The open house was beautiful and I got to meet so many people! Dan and Julie Conley walked in and I was totally surprised! It’s been years since I’ve seen them and I didn’t realize they lived so close in Ohio! It was so great to see them. There was also a balloon animal maker at the open house and she made me a flower crown 🙂 20160506_20513020160506_20521620160506_205222

One of the days we also took Nathan, Austin’s youngest and only brother lunch! Isn’t it just the best when you get your lunch brought to school 🙂 Haha, he loved it and we had so much fun with him!


We also went rafting down a river with Austin’s family. It was so fun but also so much work! We were so tired after! It was my first time rafting and I definitely enjoyed it. That night, Ella and I surprised Elyssa with a necklace to wear to her prom party she was having at at the house. We had so much fun decorating and taking pictures. Austin and I printed prom pictures for each of the couples that came and we had a blast. It was just fun trying to make sure she had a good time 🙂

That Sunday, we were getting a little nervous about heading back to real life. All of the partying and vacationing was ending. We felt so much peace Sunday as we went to church and talked about it. We just kind of knew that Heavenly Father was going to help everything come together and that it would all work out.

Celebrating Mother’s Day was so fun though! I was a little sad about not getting to see my mom, but I definitely called! Austin was very sweet and came and congratulated me. I chuckled and told him I wasn’t a mother yet. He went to tell that I would be and I was already to mom to our family and that our little nuggets were just waiting to come down and be with us. I got all teary eyed and just felt really grateful for an amazing husband 🙂


The day after our wedding, Austin and I left on our honeymoon to Cancun! Cancun was such a dream!


We toured an underwater river called “Rio Secreto.” We wore wetsuits, life jackets, and hardhats. We hiked through parts of it and others parts we had to wade in water and even swim! All of the limestone formations were so beautiful!


We also took a 2 hour bus ride out to Chichen Itza to tour the Mayan ruins. It was so HOT! Haha we were sweating a ton, but it was beautiful! The structures were so tall and the way sound moved through their arena was so cool. We had a lot of fun with the vendors too. I speak Spanish and Austin’s Spanish is really coming along! Haha, so many of them told us we could get a better deal if we spoke Spanish 😉 We got some “See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil” monkeys and a marriage sculpture carved out of bone. All in all, it was a blast!

We had so much fun on the beach too. We stayed at an all inclusive resort right on the beach! With the free room service…we ate so many quesadillas and breakfast burritos at all hours! Haha! But the beach was beautiful and we even won a free all day cabana rental! How fun is that?!

We decided to be a little crazy and went to a night club in Cozumel called Coco Bongo. The bus picked us up at 10 and didn’t bring us home until 3:30! We were so exhausted by the time we got home. They played really fun music and had some really cool impersonations/performances of people like Michael Jackson, Elvis, and Beyonce. They also had fight scenes acted out between Bane and Batman and Spiderman and Green Goblin. It was just an all around party!






One of the best days of our trip was at Xel Ha! We snorkeled all day and Austin even surprised me with swimming with the dolphins! It’s something I’ve always wanted to do and it was one of the coolest things ever. I love how we are completely beaming in the pictures…that’s EXACTLY how we felt. We also got to eat some authentic Mexican food. I was reminded of my mission so much!

It was just an amazing honeymoon and we had so much fun. We love Mexico and being tan 🙂

Our Wedding Day

Austin and I were married on April 22, 2016. It was the perfect day! We were surrounded by friends and family for our sealing in the Payson, UT temple. However, before we got started, the fire alarm went off! Everyone kept telling us, “it’s not a sign, you guys are fine!” Haha, it made us chuckle. During the sealing, I felt the spirit so strongly. The sealer talked about our ancestors and how they were present with us. I thought and felt so much of my Grandpa Jay. I know I’ve never met him, but I just really felt him there and felt his love. The sealer also mentioned future generations and Austin felt strongly that our kids were in that room with us as well. It was such a special moment.

It was also the windiest day! Taking pictures outside of the temple after was crazy. After the sealing, on the way to the luncheon, Austin and I were alone in the car. We kind of took a moment to share what we felt in the temple and we prayed together. It was one of the most spiritual moments of my life. I just felt like I had made the right choice and that we would have a good life together.

We had our luncheon at Magleby’s. Elyssa and Annie sang and played the guitar to a beautiful song for us. Our dads also shared some words of advice and we watched a slideshow of pictures of Austin and I. It was just perfect!

Our reception was also amazing! So many people came and we felt so loved! The food was great, the music was great, the cake was great! Tossing the bouquet, slinging the garter, and having our first dance was the best. We danced to “From the Ground Up.” When I danced with my dad, we danced to  “You Don’t Have to Let Go” by Jessica Simpson. My dad has always loved that song and Rach lip sang the whole time. We were all dying laughing. At the end, we had a huge dance party! I honestly just had so much fun. It was all I ever hoped and dreamed for!

I’m also in love with the pictures from that day 🙂

We’re just so grateful to everyone that made our day so special and perfect. We know our families went above and beyond. There is no way we could ever repay all that was done for us that day. Thank you!