Our Wedding Day

Austin and I were married on April 22, 2016. It was the perfect day! We were surrounded by friends and family for our sealing in the Payson, UT temple. However, before we got started, the fire alarm went off! Everyone kept telling us, “it’s not a sign, you guys are fine!” Haha, it made us chuckle. During the sealing, I felt the spirit so strongly. The sealer talked about our ancestors and how they were present with us. I thought and felt so much of my Grandpa Jay. I know I’ve never met him, but I just really felt him there and felt his love. The sealer also mentioned future generations and Austin felt strongly that our kids were in that room with us as well. It was such a special moment.

It was also the windiest day! Taking pictures outside of the temple after was crazy. After the sealing, on the way to the luncheon, Austin and I were alone in the car. We kind of took a moment to share what we felt in the temple and we prayed together. It was one of the most spiritual moments of my life. I just felt like I had made the right choice and that we would have a good life together.

We had our luncheon at Magleby’s. Elyssa and Annie sang and played the guitar to a beautiful song for us. Our dads also shared some words of advice and we watched a slideshow of pictures of Austin and I. It was just perfect!

Our reception was also amazing! So many people came and we felt so loved! The food was great, the music was great, the cake was great! Tossing the bouquet, slinging the garter, and having our first dance was the best. We danced to “From the Ground Up.” When I danced with my dad, we danced to  “You Don’t Have to Let Go” by Jessica Simpson. My dad has always loved that song and Rach lip sang the whole time. We were all dying laughing. At the end, we had a huge dance party! I honestly just had so much fun. It was all I ever hoped and dreamed for!

I’m also in love with the pictures from that day 🙂

We’re just so grateful to everyone that made our day so special and perfect. We know our families went above and beyond. There is no way we could ever repay all that was done for us that day. Thank you!


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