
The day after our wedding, Austin and I left on our honeymoon to Cancun! Cancun was such a dream!


We toured an underwater river called “Rio Secreto.” We wore wetsuits, life jackets, and hardhats. We hiked through parts of it and others parts we had to wade in water and even swim! All of the limestone formations were so beautiful!


We also took a 2 hour bus ride out to Chichen Itza to tour the Mayan ruins. It was so HOT! Haha we were sweating a ton, but it was beautiful! The structures were so tall and the way sound moved through their arena was so cool. We had a lot of fun with the vendors too. I speak Spanish and Austin’s Spanish is really coming along! Haha, so many of them told us we could get a better deal if we spoke Spanish 😉 We got some “See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil” monkeys and a marriage sculpture carved out of bone. All in all, it was a blast!

We had so much fun on the beach too. We stayed at an all inclusive resort right on the beach! With the free room service…we ate so many quesadillas and breakfast burritos at all hours! Haha! But the beach was beautiful and we even won a free all day cabana rental! How fun is that?!

We decided to be a little crazy and went to a night club in Cozumel called Coco Bongo. The bus picked us up at 10 and didn’t bring us home until 3:30! We were so exhausted by the time we got home. They played really fun music and had some really cool impersonations/performances of people like Michael Jackson, Elvis, and Beyonce. They also had fight scenes acted out between Bane and Batman and Spiderman and Green Goblin. It was just an all around party!






One of the best days of our trip was at Xel Ha! We snorkeled all day and Austin even surprised me with swimming with the dolphins! It’s something I’ve always wanted to do and it was one of the coolest things ever. I love how we are completely beaming in the pictures…that’s EXACTLY how we felt. We also got to eat some authentic Mexican food. I was reminded of my mission so much!

It was just an amazing honeymoon and we had so much fun. We love Mexico and being tan 🙂

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