Tender Mercies

So I may or may not have had a more difficult day today. A lot of things happened at once and I kind of felt like “Jeez Louise Heavenly Father, I can’t do this. I can’t handle this.” I was feeling pretty overwhelmed. I took Indy to the park and walked a few laps and when I came home, Austin was waiting in the driveway with my favorite yellow roses! He knew I was having a rough day and he got flowers on his way home from school. I pretty much just burst into tears.

It was just one of those moments when Heavenly Father said “I got this. Look at all these people I’ve given you to help you out!”

Tonight I read 1 Nephi 17 when Nephi is asked to build a boat. I imagine he felt a little out of his league. As I read I just felt comforted that Heavenly Father knows he is kind of asking me to work through something hard. He knows that, I know that, and He’s going to help me figure it out! I’m so grateful for my sweet sweet husband and also for the scriptures. I should crack those guys open a little more often 😉 IMG_7951

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