Thankful for the Little Things

It’s November the month of gratitude!! It has been a crazy month already….trying to squeeze in work shifts, trying to get all of my clinical hours in at the hospital, planning to leave town for a week, weddings, getting sick, school….it has just been quite the roller coaster! I may or may not have lost my temper and gone a little crazy once or twice!

However, despite all of the craziness…I’ve been thinking about how grateful I am for all of the little blessings in my life that end up being HUGE blessings. I am so grateful for every time Austin takes a 10 minute study break to come snuggle me. Even though I get frustrated with Indy from time to time, I am so grateful for every time he jumps up to snuggle me throughout the day. He really is the sweetest dog and I can’t believe we found him! It just baffles me that he was abused early on in his sweet life. I am so grateful for fun packages and surprises from my parents. I am so grateful for every time things just work out no matter how stressed and frustrated I get. I am grateful for incredible phones that take such pretty pictures since we probably won’t be able to afford a nice camera for a really long time! I am grateful for the weaknesses that I have and a husband who pushes me and helps me to be better.

There are many more things I could list out, but I think especially when life gets crazy, it’s important to remember that we have a Heavenly Father who loves us and we can see those little tender mercies every day! Life is pretty great!

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