When the Rawe’s Come to Town

MY FAMILY IS IN TOWN!! I have been so excited for weeks!! They came into town on Saturday the 18th, and we started things off right with some Slab and a BYU Basketball game! Looks like the basketball season will be about as good as the football season…at least we got to enjoy a Cougar tail! It feels so good to have them here. It’s hard for me being away from my parents and Megan, but at least I have Rach here with me! We just sit and laugh and laugh and laugh. I will never stop being grateful for the family I was born into. My parents really worked hard to help us understand the value of family relationships and we are still each other’s best friends!

Sunday, we went to go take our family pictures. We had a shoot with a photographer and then since we all think we have nice phones or something, we ended up with some bonus pictures 😉

Monday, we went to Luminaria at Thanksgiving Point and it was pretty special! We were expecting it to be really cold but it really wasn’t too bad. It was an outdoor display of Christmas lights all throughout the Ashton Gardens. We had a lot of fun together as a family!

Toward the end of the trail, there was a “Light of the World” exhibit. It was absolutely beautiful!! There were a ton of sculptures of the Savior depicting his life. There were lanterns everywhere and also instrumental Christmas hymns were playing in the background. The Spirit was so strong. As I walked through the exhibit, I was touched by the life of the Savior. I realized in many of these sculptures, He was crouching or kneeling in order to be eye level with whomever he was interacting with. I realized that this is what the Savior does for each of us. He comes down to our level, personally interacts with us, and then helps to lift us. Toward the end, I got a little choked up because it just hit me that the Lord loves me and knows me and everything is going to be okay. I am going to find the right job at the right time after I graduate that will allow me to progress and grow as a nurse. When Austin and I decide to have kids, the Lord will support us and help us. I felt comfort in so many aspects of my life, knowing that when I trust in the Lord, there truly is no need to fear. Austin felt comforted by the Savior as well and was touched in knowing that He needs the Savior and the Savior loves him.

We can’t wait for the Henderson reunion!

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